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July Patapsco Knight Newsletter

Patapsco Knight - July 2014 - Online_Page_1The July issue of the Patapsco Knight newsletter is online.


Click here to view the newsletter (requires Adobe PDF viewer).


If you have any suggestions, comments, or submissions for a future issue, please send them to Co-Editor Rick Ostopowicz at

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June Patapsco Knight Newsletter

The June 2014 issue of the Patapsco Knight newsletter is available online.

To read the newsletter, click the following link:

Patapsco Knight – June 2014 – Online

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Patapsco Knight Newsletter — April Issue

The April issue of the Patapsco Knight newsletter is now online.

Click HERE to visit our newsletter page.

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Upcoming Events – April/May

We have just posted several upcoming events for April and May.

Click HERE for more details!

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2014 Scholarship Application

Patapsco Council No. 1960 is pleased to announce that it has funds to award $2,500.00 in high school scholarships and $1,000.00 in elementary scholarships for 2014-2015.

The application link is below.

For additional information, please call PGK Dennis Brose at 443-575-6445.

2014 Scholarship Application

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Miracle of Christmas

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St. Michael’s —Ocean City Maryland — Suicide Bridge

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Harrington Casino/Suicide Bridge

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November Patapsco Knight

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2011 Patapsco Council Scholarship Form

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