
Welcome to the Online Home of the Patapsco Council
We bid you welcome! Not just welcome to our website, but welcome to our Honored Order and our Council Home and Banquet Hall!
Tickets can be purchased using the link below or by clicking here.
For over 100 years, we men of Patapsco Council have followed the vision of the founder of the Knights of Columbus, Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney, to give freely of ourselves to serve the Catholic Church and the Community of Catonsville. We provide service to the most visible forms such as the poor, the weak, and the defenseless as well as many areas that remain, for the most part, outside of the public view.
Discovering Christ
Do you wonder if there is more to life? More to your faith?
Would you be thrilled to know there is an answer to living your most fulfilled life?
There is! We invite you to join us as we explore your questions in a hopeful and welcoming environment. You will have an opportunity to learn and experience how much you are truly loved by God and the difference that makes for all of it.
There is no cost to participate. Click the link below for more information and to get an idea of what to expect.
Please allow me a moment to discuss some of our charitable works:
- Our Food for the Needy program provides food donations to local churches and homeless shelters for distribution to needy families.
- Our Catholic School Scholarships give financial support to young people in order for them to continue to receive a Catholic education
- Our Right to Life Programs give us the opportunity to vocally and prayerfully defend the lives of every human being from conception to natural death.
We are committed to communion with the Holy See, and we dutifully support our Priests and Religious financially, physically, and spiritually through our prayers. But, most of all, we are Brothers in Christ, dedicated to serving Him joyfully.
Also, we have lots of fun! All you need to do is join us at one of our events to witness the joys of fraternity.
Please feel free to browse through our site, especially our calendar of events. I invite you to join us in any of our activities, or give us your information if you are interested in membership. As the saying goes, many hands make light work and our work is meant for Gods Greater Glory.